Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jello Tired

**whiney post alert**

There I gave you a warning so you can stop reading if you are going to judge me for my post. If you do choose to keep reading don’t worry it wont be too long, my fingers hurt. So here goes… Today I am tired, like the kind of tired that feels like you are moving through a bowl of jello tired, have been all week really. No I don’t stay up too late and no I don’t party hard, unfortunately that is just my life. Heck last Thursday I went to the cook off, didn’t stay too late and barely had anything to drink, and this is the end result of a good time. Auto Immune Sucks…can I get an Amen??? Being tired I can handle. I argue with myself about getting up everyday, but I still do it and make it to work on time. I drink coffee but it doesn’t do much, with the exception of tasting amazing, and making me feel warm and fuzzy and my fog in my head somewhat clears. But being tired and hurting, now that I can handle… most days. Today I am not doing so good at handling it. The pain is random and sometimes I hurt in places I didn’t even know had feeling and some days I just cant take it anymore. Today is that day. I haven’t felt that great all week, and I am just over it. My fingers hurt and I type all day, my hips hurt and I sit a lot, I have a few other pains that literally make me think wtf, how in the world does that hurt and omg can it please stop. So on top of being jello tired, I am in pain and you can please stick a fork in me because I am done. So I guess that is it… That is my rant for today… If someone could please tell me where the off switch is I would greatly appreciate it.

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